
Benjaluck Online Shop

Tissue Box from Ubon Spathe Cotton

We'll use this site to introduce our business and explain the goods and services we have to offer. Such as Tissue Box which made by housewife community from ubon ratchathani. With the identity cotton of ubon ratchathani, we can evaluated the tissue box and more of material. Next time, we might also include our history, our business philosophy, or a section with customer accolades.
If you found for any Souvenir of Ubon Ratchathani, province of Thailand, don't forget to order us by e-mail !!

Sample of Tissue Box




This is sample of our products ; tissue box from Kaab Bau ( meaning to Ubon Cotton with similary mean to Lotus Spathe)

Details of Kaab Bau Tissue Box
Kaab Bau is an identity Cotton of Ubon Ratchathani, province of Thailand. If want to know more please click..

How To Order

Please contact me by E-mail :  
And/ or you can pay through these site !!

